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Brand: Almuzara EAN: 9788496060326
Manes and Tails
A manual about the art of thinning out and braiding horse manes and tails through very useful and interesting methods for lovers of horsemanship. / Esta nueva obra de la colección de ""Guías Ecuestres Ilustradas"" es un manual, paso a paso, sobre el arte de entresacar y trenzar crines y colas. A ..
$6.26 $6.95
Brand: Almuzara EAN: 9788417277499
Tokenization of assets, secure loans between individuals, smart contracts that are automatically executed, financing of sustainable projects... Although in many people's minds cryptoeconomics is equivalent only to investing in bitcoins, the exchange of value through the network has already set in mo..
$25.16 $27.95
Brand: Almuzara EAN: 9788416921836
When Anger Threatens
José Antonio Fortea has managed to turn history. He created a historical fiction that Egyptologists will hate because they believe that Moses did not exist, and it adulterates their pharaonic and magical Egypt. In this novel you will learn about the plagues of the God of Israel from the court of Pha..
$26.96 $29.95
Brand: Almuzara EAN: 9788418709715
Fulfill your Dreams
Dreams come true, of course it is possible. Nothing happens by chance. With your perseverance and self-confidence, you make possible what was once just a project. This book is made up of illusions, but also a lot of realism and seeing life as it is, with no other adornment than our hope, which can t..
$19.76 $21.95
Brand: Almuzara EAN: 9788416100712
The Misfortune of Being Arab
After assaying the contemporary history, the author Samir Kassir tries to shed light on the political and intellectual causes of the evil that corrupts the Arab societies and also in this essay he will propose some possible sugestions to overcome the crisis. / No es recomendable ser árabe en nuestr..
$13.46 $14.95
Brand: Almuzara EAN: 9788417828943
Deconstructing Media
A logbook to face life in a new way. An answer to the pandemic through writing… And suddenly a microscopic virus changed everything. The situation has led J.A. González Sainz to rethink his way of facing his day to day, to meditate and rebuild himself through words. Under the generic title of Little..
$20.66 $22.95
Brand: Almuzara EAN: 9788417828622
Defend Yourself
Alvaro Umpierrez is a professor of self defense who has a recognized international career. In this volume, he presents a compendium of basic strategies to improve personal security and self-confidence...
$19.76 $21.95
Brand: Almuzara EAN: 9788416002412
Anti-aging Diet
In this book authors analyze all the tricks to stay young physically and psychologically thanks to the advances in nutrition and finally they design an «anti-aging diet» in a healthy way. / ¿Se puede frenar el proceso del envejecimiento? ¿Por qué vemos personas de la misma edad y con un aspecto fís..
$17.96 $19.95
Brand: Almuzara EAN: 9788418346187
Ten reasons to be from a political center.
Freedom as a fundamental value, equity and dialogue can justify a balanced, reasonable, democratic position, in short, of the political center. These are our ten reasons for being a political center. / El fin de las ideologías y del denominado “pensamiento fuerte” nos llevó a lo largo del S. XX a l..
$22.46 $24.95
Brand: Almuzara EAN: 9788417797737
Ten Reasons to be Left
Left and right are archaic political categories that lack meaning today. The aspirations of the left were fulfilled and that dichotomy disappeared... Did the left really win? Is it true that left and right are no longer useful to understand politics? Half a century ago, the great ideological corpus ..
$22.46 $24.95
Brand: Almuzara EAN: 9788418757143
Digitization and Economic Recovery
The economic crisis resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated digitization in all sectors. In this book, prestigious experts analyze all the aspects that will influence the economic recovery: development of digital platforms, monopolistic trends and competition policy, the need to have a ..
$21.56 $23.95
Brand: Almuzara EAN: 9788417418014
Goddesses, Saints and Cursed Women
Goddesses of love and war, female legends of cinema; women who were beloved beyond death; women of heaven, earth and hell; archetypal forms of the Eternal Feminine. This book is an invitation to discover or the feminine side in our history and our culture since its inception. / Diosas del amor y l..
$25.16 $27.95
Showing 61 to 72 of 827 (69 Pages)