Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788416117727
Helping Polly Parrot
Polly Parrot loves being a pirate parrot, but sometimes life on board ship can be quite hard. She has no perch, and every time she lands on a mast it seems a sail is unfurled and she's knocked off. The captain has his bed, the sailors have their hammocks, but poor Polly has nowhere to sleep. One day..
$16.16 $17.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788491451242
Yoga Babies
Family life is hectic, but yoga helps everyone to relax, from Emily in the garden, to Honey at the bath time. And once you’ve seen what yogi babies are capable of, why not try it? / ¡Conoce a los bebés yoguis! La vida familiar es ajetreada, pero el yoga ayuda a todos a relajarse, desde Emily en el ..
$16.16 $17.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788491452966
Witches and Fairies
Witches and fairies are different and, needless to say, they play different games. Witches play witches' games, like turning princes into frogs. And fairies play fairy games, like turning frogs back into princes. And then, there's Clotilda... / Las hadas y las brujas son diferentes, y no es necesar..
$16.16 $17.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788491111368
Featuring the expressive artwork of six popular Llewellyn artists, this coloring book will take you to an enchanted realm of reverie and quiet pleasure. It includes more than 60 colorable pictures of witch’s potions, ancient rituals, magical symbols, and more. / Ilumina tus días con la magia del co..
$13.46 $14.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788491452416
Bruno and Bella: The Scooter
Bruno has a new scooter. He loves it – and practices all week before setting off for a ride. But oh dear! Bruno has forgotten to practice stopping. Never mind, Bella comes to his rescue and there’s a happy ending in the duckpond! / Bruno no puede esperar a probar su nuevo patinete, y pasa toda la s..
$16.16 $17.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788491452423
Bruno and Bella: The Dance Class
When Bruno and Bella go to dancing class they try ballet, ballroom dancing and tap. Bruno shines but Bella is not so happy. Then Bella discovers something she is really good at – art. And she’s part of the end of term show in a big way! / Cuando Bruno y Bella se apuntan a clases de baile, descubren..
$16.16 $17.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788491455738
Lily has dressed up as a knightess. But in school, some say that there are no such thing as knightesses! And why not?! Nadège Michelotto and Maud Begon present us the new feminist heroine!..
$18.86 $20.95
Brand: Sélector
EAN: 9786074535938
Christmas Carol
The story of Scrooge, a man of great fortune, fighting with Christmas and unable to share even one smile. However, these pages reserve the secret of beautiful change of attitude of this character, who ends up being one of the most generous and unforgettable of universal literature.
$10.75 $11.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788491452683
Favorite Nursery Rhymes from Mother Goose
Beautifully illustrated by Scott Gustafson, this book contains forty-five traditional nursery rhymes, including "Little Bo Peep", "Jack Sprat", "Pat-a-Cake" and "The Man in the Moon”, translated into Spanish. / El artista Scott Gustafson ha recopilado para ti una irresistible colección de canciones..
$26.06 $28.95
Brand: Nórdica libros
EAN: 9788418930782
Little Red Riding Hood
Lu Gaitán is a political scientist by training, a witch and an astrologer by choice. She is currently studying Philosophy and a diploma program in Ecofeminism at the University of Buenos Aires. She teaches astrology and, in addition to Asuntos de Venus, her first book, she is the author of Alumbra l..
$18.86 $20.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788491451860
Magical Poops
Everyone goes to the restroom, but where? In the potty? Pull the tabs and discover the little poops of the friends that surround you. With or without a potty, it will be very fun! / Todo el mundo hace sus necesidades, pero ¿dónde? ¿En el orinal? Tira de las pestañas y descubre las caquitas de los a..
$18.86 $20.95
Brand: Urano World
EAN: 9786079344863
Cave Boy and His Veggies
What were dinosaurs' lives like? Can you imagine a T. Rex who wants to brush his teeth every day, a velociraptor that wants to run as fast as his friends, a mammoth choosing hairstyles at the hairdresser or a grocery store in a cave for a Brachiosaurus? / ¿Cómo habrá sido la vida de los dinosaurios..
$4.46 $4.95