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Jane Austen

Jane Austen
Jane Austen
Jane Austen
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  • Stock: 179
  • EAN: 9788416763726
  • Author: Manuela Santoni
I was our mother's despair. But when Dad gave me the keys to his library, my heart filled with joy. In the middle of all those books! I couldn't wait to read them all!" At 42 years old, and at a time close to her death, the great English writer Jane Austen recalls her youth in a long letter addressed to her sister Cassandra. She remembers her childhood as a girl raised among books, little inclined to the manners of the ladies of the time, but incredibly talented as a storyteller. It is the summer of 2014. A young woman who has just been abandoned by her partner flees from Barcelona to Madrid with a secret and the conviction that the apocalypse is coming. Four centuries earlier, another woman is forced to emigrate to North America carrying a very different secret. What do these two women have in common? Their voices unravel two crossed stories about violence and hypocrisy, witches and healers. Perfect for gifting to lovers of philosophy or mining intelligent ice-breaker topics for your next party, The Pig That Wants to Be Eaten offers one hundred philosophical puzzles that stimulate thought on a host of moral, social, and personal dilemmas, Taking examples from sources as diverse as Plato and Steven Spielberg, author Julian Baggini presents abstract philosophical issues in concrete terms, suggesting possible solutions while encouraging readers to draw their own conclusions: Lively, clever, and thought-provoking, The Pig That Wants to Be Eaten is a portable feast for the mind that is sure to satisfy any intellectual appetite, A riveting, comprehensive history of the Arab people and tribes that explores the role of language as a cultural touchstone

This kaleidoscopic book covers almost 3,000 years of Arab history and shines a light on the footloose Arab people and tribes who conquered lands and disseminated their language and culture over vast distances. Tracing this process to the origins of the Arabic language, rather than the advent of Islam, Tim Mackintosh-Smith begins his narrative more than a thousand years before Muhammad and focuses on how Arabic, both spoken and written, has functioned as a vital source of shared cultural identity over the millennia.

Mackintosh-Smith reveals how linguistic developments--from pre-Islamic poetry to the growth of script, Muhammad's use of writing, and the later problems of printing Arabic--have helped and hindered the progress of Arab history, and investigates how, even in today's politically fractured post-Arab Spring environment, Arabic itself is still a source of unity and disunity. Your family's past may be the key to healing in the present. This groundbreaking book explores the life-changing power of regression sessions that work with your ancestry. While most sessions focus solely on the client, this book shows that by contacting and sending restorative energy to certain members of your family tree, you can initiate ripples of healing that make enormous positive transformations in your life and the world.

Join Shelley A. Kaehr, PhD, as she shares case studies from her generational regression practice as well as specific exercises and meditations you can do to begin your own familial healing journey. You will discover how to alleviate the suffering of your parents, grandparents, or earlier ancestors and extend the pure light of loving kindness to your own generation and even future generations who have yet to be born. This book empowers you with the tools and techniques you need to help fill your life―and the lives of your loved ones―with joy, happiness, and purpose.

Kabbalah is a way to reach a personal connection with the Deity, but also to advance towards Him in our earthly life, Kabbalistic Resources' Guide is a Kabbalistic practice book, It aims to help the reader to achieve all his spiritual goals, but also the so-called material goals,

In The Wonder of Unicorns, Diana Cooper explains the ancient myths and legends surrounding these amazing energetic beings from a higher spiritual perspective, The author invites us to connect with these creatures of light and count on her guidance on our spiritual path, The book includes meditations, rituals, ceremonies, and more,

The figure of an eight lying down, also known as the lemniscate, represents infinity, continuous development and balance. Barbara Heider-Rauter, experienced seminar director and therapist, as well as one of the great experts in Aura-Soma, takes us into the spiritual world of the infinity symbol.

From Stone Age to space age, people have looked up at the stars and been inspired by their beauty, their patterns, and their majesty. Beneath the Night is a history of humanity, told through our relationship with the night sky. From prehistoric cave art and Ancient Egyptian zodiacs to the modern era of satellites and space exploration, Stuart Clark explores a fascination shared across the world and throughout millennia. It is one that has shaped our scientific understanding; helped us navigate the terrestrial world; provided inspiration for our poets, artists and philosophers; and it has given us a place to project our hopes and fears. In the stars, we can see our past - and ultimately, our fate. This is the awe-inspiring story of the universe, and our place within it.

John Stuart Mill was a prodigious thinker who sharply challenged the beliefs of his age. In On Liberty, one of the sacred texts of liberalism, he argues that any democracy risks becoming a "tyranny of opinion" in which minority views are suppressed if they do not conform to those of the majority. The coronavirus pandemic has brought into sharp relief the fundamental and enigmatic relationship between institution and human life. At the very moment when the virus was threatening to destroy life, human beings called upon institutions - on governments, on health systems, on new norms of behavior - to combat the virus and preserve life. These institutions have been criticized for not doing enough and for responding too slowly to the threat, but the criticism of institutions is part and parcel of the logic of the institution itself, part and parcel of what could be called 'instituting praxis'. In this short book, Roberto Esposito argues that institution and human life are not opposed to one another but rather two sides of a single figure that, together, delineate the vital character of institutions and the instituting power of life. What else is life, after all, if not a continuous institution, a capacity for self-regeneration along new and unexplored paths? No human life is reducible to pure survival, to 'bare life', to use Walter Benjamin's phrase. There is always a point at which life reaches out beyond primary needs, entering into the realm of desires and choices, passions and projects, and at that point human life becomes instituted: it becomes part of the web of relations that constitute social, political and cultural life. This new book by one of the most original philosophers writing today will appeal to students and academics in philosophy and the humanities generally, and to anyone interested in contemporary philosophy and cultural theory. Democracy is a universally recognized high-value concept, possibly the most powerful in Western modernity in general. However, the existing democracy is also a system of demarcation, social exclusion and ecological delimitation. It has left some individual interests out of reach. On one hand, greater participation in democratic process is constantly demanded, but on the other hand, entire groups are constantly excluded, who then demand more participation. Interrogating the relationship between women and psychosis from a variety of perspectives, this edited collection explores personal, literary, spiritual, psychological, biological, and psychodynamic approaches. The contributors reflect on medieval mystics and witches, postpartum psychosis, disordered eating, art and literature, feminism, and male/female differences in schizophrenia. Women with experience of psychosis, psychotherapists, and a shaman provide first-person accounts to give the book a personal grounding. Curated with the intent to expand the way we think about women and psychosis, the contributors to this collection recognize that “voices and visions” do not occur in a vacuum, but are experienced within, and are influenced by, particular socio-cultural contexts. “This is not a book about death, I know nothing about that. This is a book about life, and I know some things about it, at least all the things that have been explained to me by those who wanted to abandon it prematurely». Suicide in adolescence is a tragedy, a catastrophe with no return for the person and a sudden cataclysm that will forever mark the family and the environment. Karate Chop, Dorthe Nors's acclaimed story collection, is the debut book in the collaboration between Graywolf Press and A Public Space. These fifteen compact stories are meticulously observed glimpses of everyday life that expose the ominous lurking under the ordinary. While his wife sleeps, a husband prowls the Internet, obsessed with female serial killers; a bureaucrat tries to reinvent himself, exposing goodness as artifice when he converts to Buddhism in search of power; a woman sits on the edge of the bed where her lover lies, attempting to locate a motive for his violence within her own self-doubt. Shifting between moments of violence (real and imagined) and mundane contemporary life, these stories encompass the complexity of human emotions, our capacity for cruelty as well as compassion. Not so much minimalist as stealthy, Karate Chop delivers its blows with an understatement that shows a master at work. After emphatically stating that a cat would not enter his house, Pedro adopted little Mia. Confident, he assured – even more emphatically – that a second cat was impossible. Four years later, Atún, a beautiful kitten with gray and white fur, crossed the threshold of his home. The three of them –Mía, Atún and Pedro– began a new life. In these funny stories, Pedro narrates the wonderful experience of sharing life with two little tigers. Endless anecdotes and stories about the feline world to learn to be a little more like cats. "In the present book, a repository of more than twenty-five years of dedication to the study and practice of psychoanalysis and Buddhism, the author explores some connections between these two disciplines, bringing a psychoanalytical perspective to the implementation of a spiritual path and, conversely, offering a revitalization of psychoanalytical thought nourished by the philosophical-spiritual traditions that come from India and the Far East.
Written always from the author's own experience and with some teachings of Judaism as a reference -the author's original tradition-, with an intimate, frank, revealing and direct language, The Empty Bowl tries to set itself up as an authentic «Buddha's bowl» where knowledge, reflections and existential questioning coincide. The trajectory of Siddhartha Gautama, the historical Buddha, together with everything he came to discover and share (the buddhadharma), provides us with a fundamental example.
Additional Information
Bisac Code CGN007010
Format Paperback
Imprint la otra h
Pages 112