Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788497772099
Stories for Thinking
Over thirty stories in this book, along with the activities and questions we proposed Robert Fisher after each reading, children will learn to know each other better themselves and the world around them. essential topics like nature, respect, solidarity, justice and friendship are developed for each..
$18.86 $20.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788491113270
The Prince and the Zombie: Tibetan Tales of Karma
Men and spirits, desires, sufferings, joys, ignorance and wisdom, a compilation of tibetan stories that will entertain everybody. / Antiguamente, en el Tíbet, tal como se hacía en Europa, por las noches se explicaban historias a la luz del hogar. Aquí presentamos algunas repletas de enseñanzas. En ..
$15.25 $16.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788416117239
Horns, Tails, Spikes, and Claws
Horns, Tails, Spikes, and Claws is a mix-and-match board book of monstrous proportions! Building off of the well-known song "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes," this book explores all sorts of different monsters from top to bottom (and horns and claws and fangs and wings). With die-cut pages through..
$11.66 $12.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788494845857
Woman's Body
This book offers you to follow a path of personal and spiritual empowerment. From spiritual teachings to modern psychology, women's bodies have been undervalued throughout history. But there is an essential key that you must know: the uterus is a muscular organ. The practice of a simple relaxation w..
$18.86 $20.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788415968726
Beware of Sugar
Sugar is addictive: research shows that some are programmed to become dependent on it while still children, sometimes while still in the womb. Many eat sugar without wanting to do so when hidden as a preservative in processed food. Hans-Ulrich Grimm is the first to publicize the scandalous connectio..
$18.86 $20.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788491111429
The cupcake evolved in the United States in the 19th century. Food historians have yet to pinpoint exactly where the name of the cupcake originated. How do you get great cupcake recipes? The easiest way is to read this book. / La historia de estos deliciosos pastelillos se remonta a principios de ..
$22.46 $24.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788497779128
Natural Cure for Kidney Disease
Official medicine underestimate the importance of good nutrition when it comes to treat kidney diseases. Most of them can be prevented and the effectiveness of natural treatment shows the healing power of nature. This practical handbook explains how our metabolism and each natural treatment works. ..
$13.46 $14.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788491115588
Healing With Hemp CBD Oil
Hemp?a close relative of marijuana?is a far richer source of CBD, the compound responsible for effectively treating disorders, and contains very little THC, the substance responsible for marijuana’s highs. Earl Mindell explains how CBD Oil can help you improve your health. / Hoy día, los beneficios..
$17.06 $18.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788415968764
Heal Yourself
Spiritual need is something that must be attended to for holistic health. True healing doesn't cost anything, and self healing using energies of higher consciousness presents a major shift in the area of medicine, health, and healing. You too can tap the hidden powers and potentials within your spir..
$18.86 $20.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788497775090
/ Esta obra es un exhaustivo manual de aprendizaje (tanto teórico como práctico), que profundiza en las técnicas consideradas básicas y analiza profusamente los modelos avanzados. Son muchos los libros divulgativos sobre PNL que actualmente inundan los anaqueles de las librerías, sin embargo, con e..
$35.06 $38.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788491116844
Dancing with Bees
This book is Strawbridge Howard’s charming and eloquent account of a return to noticing, to rediscovering a perspective on the world that had somehow been lost to her for decades, and to reconnecting with the natural world...
$19.76 $21.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788491116660
On War
The Prussian General Carl von Clausewitz shares his vast experience on the battlefield in one of the greatest books about war. A must-read in military academies, that has also become a recurring manual in many business schools...
$16.16 $17.95