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Brand: Obelisco EAN: 9788491111108
Alzheimer - No More!
Andreas Moritz explains Alzheimer’s, including prevention and healing that can be achieved even after onset – with restorative therapeutic measures to detoxify a dying brain, often with remarkable results! The disease’s rising incidence makes this book more relevant than ever. / La enfermedad de Al..
$16.16 $17.95
Brand: Obelisco EAN: 9788415968436
Wabi Sabi Love
Wabi Sabi Love provides the tools to see yourself, your partner, and your partnership in an entirely new light, develop a deep and profound appreciation for each other, and experience more balance, harmony, and joy in your relationship than ever before. This book reveals a pathway to true love and h..
$17.96 $19.95
Brand: Obelisco EAN: 9788491112099
Love and Celery
The author shares insights in nutritional research and shows that a raw diet is high in fruits and vegetables, which provide critical nutrients for your developing baby and changing body. They are also an excellent source of fiber, which prevents some of the unpleasant digestive side effects of preg..
$17.06 $18.95
Brand: Obelisco EAN: 9788491113140
The Anatomy of Healing
It is increasingly clear that there is no single medicine and that the paths of necessary healing flow through the integration of knowledge and multiple perspectives. This book offers the seven principles of the powerful interaction between mind and body in healing processes. / ¿Qué es la curación?..
$19.76 $21.95
Brand: Obelisco EAN: 9788491112839
Anatomy of the Couple
This is a book dedicated to the realization of the highest self-consciousness through the experience of a relationship, a journey towards unconditional love and true inner happiness that is based on the most recent discoveries of neuroscience and energy psychology, enriched with case studies. / Cu..
$18.86 $20.95
Brand: Obelisco EAN: 9788491113805
The Happiness Animal
This is a candid road map to a better life now. Honesty is the Happiness Animal's first muscle. Kindness is the second happiness muscle. Get your copy of The Happiness Animal to know which other three muscles shape our happiness. / Will Jelbert tenía una esposa maravillosa y llevaba una gran vida, ..
$15.25 $16.95
Brand: Obelisco EAN: 9788491453970
Gringer the Whinger
Gringer the Whinger is a naughty and irritating dragon who visits the family when things are becoming tense or disagreeable. The book, beautifully illustrated by Sheena Dempsey, captures the humor and domestic mayhem of life with small children just perfectly. / Antón el protestón es un dragón bast..
$17.06 $18.95
Brand: Obelisco EAN: 9788492516162
Learn To Say No
Thanks to this book you will soon get surprising results: a NO delivered on time avoids misunderstandings, arguments, stress and moodiness. It clarifies things and contributes to a better understanding among people, building trust and acceptance. With a few techniques, tips and tricks will make your..
$11.66 $12.95
Brand: Obelisco EAN: 9788491450122
Maple & Willow Apart
Maple and Willow do everything together. They love playing outside the whole year, welcoming the sun, rain, leaves, and snow. But it’s not always sunshine and rainbows, because sometimes big sisters can be bossy—and sometimes little sisters can be frustrating... / Arce y Sauce han sido siempre inse..
$14.36 $15.95
Brand: Obelisco EAN: 9788491450481
Kaspion, the Little Fish
Once upon a time there was a brave little silver colored fish. He swam around in the big blue sea and came upon a very large black object. What happens next and how it finishes, is what this book is about! / Erase una vez un amable pececillo plateado, pequeño, inteligente y valiente. Un día que est..
$18.86 $20.95
Brand: Obelisco EAN: 9788497775878
Art Therapy
The art therapy is a powerful healing technique. With a wide variety of tools, the author leads us through a journey towards our own knowledge. She proposes for each artistic discipline different practical activities in order to enable each person to better adapt them to their taste or mood. This is..
$12.56 $13.95
Brand: Obelisco EAN: 9788497779494
Heal Yourself with Sunlight
This book provides scientific evidence that sunlight is essential for good health. Those living in the outdoors, at high altitudes, or near the equator, have the lowest incidence of skin cancers. In addition, studies revealed that exposing patients to controlled amounts of sunlight dramatically lowe..
$19.76 $21.95
Showing 37 to 48 of 1764 (147 Pages)