Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788491114307
Change Your Story, Change Your Life
Change Your Story, Change Your Life is a practical self-help guide to personal transformation using traditional shamanic techniques combined with journaling and Carl Greer’s method for dialoguing that draws upon Jungian active imagination. / Cambia tu historia, cambia tu vida es una guía práctica d..
$18.86 $20.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788497779029
Alter your Life
A rousing action program for overcoming adversity and taking charge of life by one of our century's greatest mystics. For unhappiness, frustration, loneliness, and other afflictions of the spirit, Dr. Emmet Fox prescribes a powerful remedy based on the life and message of Jesus. In Alter Your Life,..
$18.86 $20.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788491113560
At a time when we are often being asked to reinvent ourselves, Dr. Oakley draws on the latest neuroscientific insights to shepherd us past simplistic ideas of “aptitude” and “ability,” which provide only a snapshot of who we are now—with little consideration for how we can change. / En una época en..
$19.76 $21.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788491452683
Favorite Nursery Rhymes from Mother Goose
Beautifully illustrated by Scott Gustafson, this book contains forty-five traditional nursery rhymes, including "Little Bo Peep", "Jack Sprat", "Pat-a-Cake" and "The Man in the Moon”, translated into Spanish. / El artista Scott Gustafson ha recopilado para ti una irresistible colección de canciones..
$26.06 $28.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788491113881
This is a book every woman (and some men) should have always by their side. It offers concrete and concise guidelines that will help you go above and beyond the nuisances caused by candidiasis. / Este libro está destinado a convertirse en un libro de compañía, el libro que toda mujer, y muchos homb..
$10.75 $11.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788491451860
Magical Poops
Everyone goes to the restroom, but where? In the potty? Pull the tabs and discover the little poops of the friends that surround you. With or without a potty, it will be very fun! / Todo el mundo hace sus necesidades, pero ¿dónde? ¿En el orinal? Tira de las pestañas y descubre las caquitas de los a..
$18.86 $20.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788491116615
Letters of the Dryads
Trees are part of our global consciousness, and they can teach us how to fulfill our inner search with renewed intensity and intuition. Use these cards to open your heart to the voices of the tree spirits and receive their full of wisdom messages...
$24.26 $26.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788491110408
Celiac Disease, Food Intolerances and Allergies
One of the “roots of the problem” with food allergies is what we eat. Those of us with food allergies think of what we cannot eat, and our whole focus is on the elimination of foods. This book includes 800 recipes free from common food allergens such as wheat, milk, eggs, corn, soy, yeast, etc. / L..
$24.26 $26.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788416117437
Once upon a time there lived an unhappy young girl. Her mother was dead and her father had married a widow with two daughters… Stories help children to cope with many feelings and problems; story time can be a very special time with you that your children will remember throughout their lives. / Si..
$8.06 $8.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788491118091
Heart Minded
In our noisy, noisy world, it can seem nearly impossible to find ways to turn off our busy minds, which so often flood us with worry and unending lists of tasks. With poetic brilliance and skillful instruction, this renowned teacher brings you a treasury of meditations and spiritual teachings to hel..
$17.06 $18.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788491451815
Little Pig and his Hungry Belly
This book is about a little pig who is always hungry. He is hungry when he wakes up, and when he goes for a walk… The little hungry pig would try to get some food from his friends, but everyone seems to have an excuse to not to invite him to dinner. / Este libro ilustrado cuenta la historia de un c..
$15.25 $16.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788416648641
Chengdu Could Not, Would Not, Fall Asleep
High up in his tree, a young panda named Chengdu lies awake, even though everyone around him is quietly sleeping. He tosses and he turns. He scrunches and he squirms, until he finally finds the perfect spot. / En lo alto de un arbol, un joven oso panda llamado Chengdu esta despierto, a pesar de que..
$18.86 $20.95