Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788416192441
Expanding into Love
Don't you wonder sometimes why relationships cause us so much pain and suffering? Is it really any surprise that people often pull back and wonder "Why bother?" The answer lies not in pulling back, but Expanding into Love. By giving you a new context for interpreting how your life is unfolding and h..
$21.56 $23.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788418956102
How To Rise Empathy In Children
Taking numerous scientific studies as a reference, Claude-Suzanne Didierjean-Jouveau exposes in this book the best habits that we should establish from the earliest age to allow our children to become compassionate adults. Breastfeeding, portage, co-sleeping and massages are some of the practices th..
$14.36 $15.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788497771849
Awakening the third Eye
The development of spiritual vision requires the training of new energetic organs from which stands out the third eye. This book emphasizes in the superiority of the empirical knowledge and invites its readers to practice the proposed exercises. / Manual que describe un proceso sistemático para act..
$21.56 $23.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788416192045
How to Spot a Dangerous Man Before You Get Involve
This savvy, straightforward book pairs real women's stories with research and the expertise of a domestic violence counsellor to help women of all ages. / ¿Qué es un hombre peligroso? Muchas de nosotras pensamos de inmediato en alguien físicamente violento, pero hay otros comportamientos que tambié..
$18.86 $20.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788491452560
Let's Talk About When Someone Dies
When someone dies, we can feel a whole host of different emotions; explaining them to a child isn't so easy. This book uses clear, easy-to-understand language to answer complex questions about death and how a child might feel when someone dies. / ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado cómo comenzar a habla..
$15.25 $16.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788491115557
Men, Women and Relationships
Men and women are different. So why do we constantly expect the same actions and feelings from them? This helpful book not only enables you to recognize the differences between you and your loved one, but also leads you toward an acceptance of those differences, paving the way for a stronger relatio..
$17.06 $18.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788491114260
How to Make Fasting Simple with Neera Syrup
Fasting and detoxification have become increasingly popular, but not everyone can take time to complete a detoxification process. One of the easiest methods for daily use is the cure of sap and lemon juice, especially appreciated by active people due to the high levels of energy it provides. / El..
$21.56 $23.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788477204367
How to Interpret Dreams
Are dreams a waste of time? Do you have any special meaning? Governed by its own laws, the world of dreams is a mysterious universe in which some daring venture. This book will teach you how to penetrate it. Learning to cope with the message of dreams and following their suggestions properly obtain ..
$12.56 $13.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788491454359
How to Read to a Grandma or Grandpa
Now that you know how to babysit your grandma and grandpa, it's time to teach them how to read with you! Kids will learn how to help their grandparents, to choose a great book, find the perfect spot to read together, and use their best reading-out-loud voices...
$16.16 $17.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788491454250
How To Organize Your Room in just 7 Days!
Claudia and Mo are like all children: they love to play and they hate tidying up. But when the little Man of Order arrives, they shouldn’t disobey him...
$19.76 $21.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788491111306
How to Use Numerology for Career Success
Numbers are representations of energy patterns or frequencies. With the help of the simple calculations described in this book, you'll get the edge on your fellow job seekers. You'll know the most opportune times to find a better job, ask for a promotion or raise, or transfer to a different position..
$12.56 $13.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788491110453
It's Not About the Shark
It's Not About the Shark shows us how to transform our daily lives with a simple, rock-solid principle: If you start by thinking about your problems, you'll never make it to a solution. However, if you start by thinking about a solution, you'll never worry about your problems again. / Cada día la v..
$18.86 $20.95