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Present Chronicles

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Brand: Anagrama EAN: 9788433916334
Now We Tell It
Violence against women has been forced into silence. Not because of their reluctance to speak, but because of institutional imposition. The #Cuéntalo movement (a clear echo of the #MeToo hashtag) builds a collective memory of aggressions. Three million women participated in just two weeks. / La vio..
$12.56 $13.95
Brand: Gedisa EAN: 9788418525599
Analyze the Rise of the Extreme Right
The rise of the extreme right in recent decades is an undeniable phenomenon. This book presents a reflection on the causes of the emergence of new parties of this family in Western Europe, as well as its consequences. It also raises other issues addressed in the academic literature on the extreme ri..
$18.86 $20.95
Brand: Ned EAN: 9788418273582
What feminism can we create that does not become another instrument of domination? By holding that there is no single or arché cause that explains why women are oppressed, Chiara Bottici proposes a radical anarchafeminist philosophy inspired by two hypotheses central: that the oppression of women ra..
$43.16 $47.95
Brand: Edaf EAN: 9788441441200
Why are measures of stress and anxiety on the rise, when economists and politicians tell us we have never had it so good? While statistics tell us that the vast majority of people are getting steadily richer in the world, most of us feel increasingly uncertain. In Angrynomics, Eric Lonergan and Mark..
$18.86 $20.95
Brand: Urano World EAN: 9788415732402
Trapped in Feminism
In recent years, feminism has been revolutionized through different movements such as #MeToo that center on the issue of equality for all genders. Gemma Cernuda emphasizes that it’s not a concept that opposes any other, but that it’s an inclusive term that is looking for a better society. / En los ..
$10.75 $11.95
Brand: Edaf EAN: 9788441439122
Criminal Brigade
This story begins in the ‘80s. The regime of General Franco has ended and an incipient democracy is settling down. Those were the years when ETA massacred the members of the security forces, the junkies, with their luparas, robbed banks and stores, and the police were poorly paid and even worse look..
$23.36 $25.95
Brand: Anagrama EAN: 9788433916136
Carrère arrives in Calais to write a report. The decadent luxury hotel that received English tourists is in ruins, but in the cheap ones make their August lodging the police forces, while the cafes are filled with young people, journalists, and celebrities. "Calais has become a zoo," says a local. /..
$12.56 $13.95
Brand: Almuzara EAN: 9788416921904
Climate Change without any Complex
In this book, the author unravels some of the most controversial aspects of climate change and solves numerous doubts related to its link with politics, the economy, and society...
$21.56 $23.95
Brand: Ned EAN: 9788418273643
Hunters, Herders, Critics
William of Yorkshire is a Knight Templar with an extraordinary capacity for deduction. Jacques de Autier has been educated within the Cathar creed and, through his gaze, the reader will witness the fall of Montsegur and will have access to the secrets that were hidden in the impregnable Occitan fort..
$27.86 $30.95
Brand: Anagrama EAN: 9788433964434
How to Lose a Country
How to Lose a Country is an impassioned plea, a warning to the world that populism and nationalism don’t march fully-formed into government; they creep. Proposing alternative, global answers to the pressing political questions of our time, Temelkuran explores the insidious idea of ‘real people’. / ..
$22.46 $24.95
Brand: Batiscafo EAN: 9788419075482
Solving Public Problems
The challenges societies face today, from inequality to climate change to systemic racism, cannot be solved with yesterday’s toolkit. Solving Public Problems shows how readers can take advantage of digital technology, data, and the collective wisdom of our communities to design and deliver powerful ..
$36.86 $40.95
Brand: Almuzara EAN: 9788411316149
We get sick easily, our defenses have been drastically reduced, mortality is punishing us with horrifying figures. What is happening? Is it just a coincidence... or are there people responsible for these permanent and new massive contagions?  This book - courageous, rigorous and surprising - opens o..
$21.56 $23.95
Showing 1 to 12 of 149 (13 Pages)