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Brand: Sélector EAN: 9786074531350
Princesses Turn 30, 40, 50 and more
A 40 year old princess? Well, not a characteristic of the princesses is their eternal youth, small waist, radiant skin and red and fresh lips? That was not what I saw when I looked in the mirror! Once consciousness is opened, the path to liberation has begun. The first step is to realize reality, th..
$16.16 $17.95
Brand: Sélector EAN: 9789684038202
The Seven Magic Keys
The 7 magic keys are the best invitation to develop your imagination. Here you will discover why life and the world are governed by universal values ??and you will recreate your fantasies with the characters of the animal world. Reading a story is not only a pleasant and useful way to see life posit..
$8.06 $8.95
Brand: Sélector EAN: 9786074537055
Lazarillo de Tormes
Everyone enjoys the skill and variety of resources that the writer unfolds in the art of narrating. But perhaps the same agility of the story and the style have hidden that Lazarillo has significant wealth, human depth and an emotional force far superior to those of the Tartufo and the Cyrano. / Na..
$8.06 $8.95
Brand: Sélector EAN: 9786074530384
Legends of the North
The legends are based on supernatural facts where characters like the witch, the devil, the apparition, the fantastic animal; or the memory of crimes and tragedies that remained in the memory of the people and are narrated from the interpretation and memory of each one. In these we present some topi..
$12.56 $13.95
Brand: Sélector EAN: 9789706433596
Ancestors for Children
The Ancestors is the book that begins the series "History for children". This collection is programmed so that they know the most important events of the social, political and cultural life that have transformed our country. For this reason, the ancestors will be transported to pre-Hispanic Mexico t..
$6.26 $6.95
Brand: Sélector EAN: 9786074531237
The Borodin I. Love and Honor
The Borodin I narrates the extraordinary history of an aristocratic family of Imperial Russia, at the time of the Tsars. / Los Borodin I narra la extraordinaria historia de una familia aristócrata de la Rusia Imperial, en la época de los zares.El general ruso Dimitri Borodin muere en la batalla con..
$20.66 $22.95
Brand: Sélector EAN: 9786074531244
The Borodin V. War and Passion
The Borodin II narrates the surprising story of the fall of the Russian Empire, after the revolution. 1914. / Los Borodin II narra la sorprendente historia de la caída del imperio ruso, después de la revolución. 1914. Rusia declara una amnistía para los presos políticos. Inicia la Guerra Europea. S..
$20.66 $22.95
Brand: Sélector EAN: 9786074531442
The Borodin IV. Hope and Glory
The Borodin IV is a history of war, invasion, Holocaust and resistance between Russia and Germany and its allied countries. / Los Borodin IV es una historia de guerra, invasión, holocausto y resistencia entre Rusia y Alemania y sus países aliados. Stalin dirige Rusia y recurre a la represión políti..
$20.66 $22.95
Brand: Sélector EAN: 9789706439802
The Horny Gods
In the magical kingdom of Olympus the most diverse erotic stories take place between gods, humans and demigods, Zeus, the father of the gods finds irresistible the beauty of any woman and uses more sophisticated weapons of seduction and transformation to possess her. On the other hand, Poseidòn uses..
$8.06 $8.95
Brand: Sélector EAN: 9789706435255
Los Mayas. Para niños
Presents Maya myths and legends about cities, animals, plants, heroes, and other topics, and describes the daily life of the Maya...
$9.86 $10.95
Brand: Sélector EAN: 9786074532340
The Miserables
Les Miserables, the famous novel by the French writer Víctor Hugo, in which you will discover that Jean Valjean, the protagonist, spent 19 years of his life in prison because of a theft he committed due to hunger, in the sad circumstance of his life: poverty. Now he got out of prison and wants to st..
$8.96 $9.95
Brand: Sélector EAN: 9786074531114
Scrambled and Some Starry
After the publication of three successive volumes: The rebellious, The unruly and some metiches and The unruly, whose stories approach in a lucid and unexpected way the real and fictitious life of outstanding characters in the historical, political, social and artistic life of our country , the writ..
$14.36 $15.95
Showing 73 to 84 of 200 (17 Pages)