Brand: Sirio
EAN: 9788417030391
Love and Heartbreak
Christian de Selys, a holistic psychologist, offers us a guide to go through heartbreak in the best possible way, helping us to cross the dark tunnel step by step, as if we were following a GPS or a map that takes us back to ourselves, to our own light. / Nadie escapa al desamor, nadie está a salvo..
$17.06 $18.95
Brand: Galaxia Gutenberg
EAN: 9788419075536
Love and Longing
Christo has left his parents in Athens and moved to Stockholm. In his early twenties, a scholarship from the Swedish government gives him the opportunity to study the history of ideas at university, something he had always dreamed of. But he is too lonely in Stockholm, where he survives with precari..
$21.56 $23.95
Brand: Urano World
EAN: 9788416517794
Love and Virtue
Michaela and Eve are two bright, bold women who befriend each other their first year at a residential university, where they live in adjacent rooms. They could not be more different; one assured and popular – the other uncertain and eager-to-please. But something happens one night in O-week – a drun..
$18.86 $20.95
Brand: Almuzara
EAN: 9788416921744
Love, Sexuality and Family
Important aspects of love, sexuality and family, which affect happiness and the meaning of our life, are collected in these pages. These reflections are intended to be valid for believers and nonbelievers, as they are written, first of all, from a consideration of the man we can reach for our reason..
$19.76 $21.95
Brand: Urano World
EAN: 9788416997282
Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World
Plenty of experts argue that anyone who wants to develop a skill, play an instrument, or lead their field should start early, focus intensely, and rack up as many hours of deliberate practice as possible. David Epstein discovered that in most fields generalists, not specialists, are primed to excel...
$26.06 $28.95
Brand: Anagrama
EAN: 9788433960863
On a chilly February day, two old friends meet in the throng outside a London crematorium to pay their last respects to Molly Lane. Both Clive Linley and Vernon Halliday had been Molly's lovers in the days before they reached their current eminence: Clive is Britain's most successful modern composer..
$12.56 $13.95
Brand: Almuzara
EAN: 9788415943396
Ana of Ingleside
Sixth installment of the Ana Shirley saga. It has been six years since Ana and Gilbert left the House of Dreams and the young couple becomes a great family with five children; nevertheless, Ana is still the same happy and imaginative redhead girl that was adopted in Tejas Verdes. / Sexta entrega de..
$17.96 $19.95
Brand: Herder
EAN: 9788416540600
Analects, set in the 21st century, turns this classic work of thought into an authentic wisdom guide for readers of all ages. In his travels throughout the country, the wise Confucius dragged after him some 3,000 disciples, who were in charge of writing their dialogues with the Master and spreading ..
$17.96 $19.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788491113140
The Anatomy of Healing
It is increasingly clear that there is no single medicine and that the paths of necessary healing flow through the integration of knowledge and multiple perspectives. This book offers the seven principles of the powerful interaction between mind and body in healing processes. / ¿Qué es la curación?..
$19.76 $21.95
Brand: Obelisco
EAN: 9788491112839
Anatomy of the Couple
This is a book dedicated to the realization of the highest self-consciousness through the experience of a relationship, a journey towards unconditional love and true inner happiness that is based on the most recent discoveries of neuroscience and energy psychology, enriched with case studies. / Cu..
$18.86 $20.95
Brand: Almuzara
EAN: 9788417954260
Holy Week Anatomy
In this book we find a thorough study of each element that composes the rite, the liturgy, and the influence on society of Holy Week, the most important festivity of Christianity, in which the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ is remembered. / La Semana Santa, la fiesta más ..
$22.46 $24.95
Brand: Anagrama
EAN: 9788433973542
/ El perspicaz Hobbes escribió una frase terrible que podríamos repetir todos: "El día que yo nací, mi madre parió dos gemelos: yo y mi miedo."» Así comienza este viaje al país del miedo donde aparecen los miedos normales y los miedos patológicos; se investiga por qué unas personas son más miedosas..
$16.16 $17.95